IBM® SPSS® Statistics 25 is NOT compatible with macOS Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, or Sequoia
IBM® SPSS® Statistics is a leading statistical software offering used to solve business and research problems by means of ad hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, geospatial analysis, and predictive analytics. Highlights of SPSS Statistics V25 include:
Ability to analyze data with new and advanced statistics
Stronger integration with third-party applications
Enhanced productivity
Analyze data with new and advanced statistics
In SPSS Statistics V25, you get to analyze data with some new features within advanced statistics like:
GENLINMIXED now provides:
Random effects solution results (EBLUPs)
Continuous time spatial covariance structures
GLM/UNIANOVA now provides:
Profile plots with error bars, bar and line charts, and an option to include grand mean option to force charts to include 0 on the y-axis
New tests for heteroskedasticity, including White's test
Robust standard errors
Modified versions of Levene's test
Also in SPSS Statistics V25 is support for Bayesian Statistics, which includes both new syntax and GUI elements that are as easy to run as traditional p-value statistics. Some of the features available within Bayesian Statistics include:
One Sample and Pair Sample T-tests
Binomial Proportion tests
Poisson Distribution Analysis
Independent Samples T-tests
Pairwise Correlation
Simple and Multiple Linear Regression
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Stronger integration with third-party applications
In SPSS Statistics V25, you get a redesigned experience when exporting charts to Microsoft Office. With this release, you can copy charts as Microsoft Graphic Objects, which enables you to:
Copy Chartbuilder output as Microsoft Graphic Objects
Manipulate charts as if created in Microsoft Office
Apply Microsoft Office chart templates
Maintain the ability to paste as pictures
You will also have an added ability to copy and paste data with variable names and labels.
Enhanced productivity
SPSS V25 enables you to build more attractive, modern-looking charts with an improved Chartbuilder. With the new Chartbuilder, you will be able to:
Display a more accurate preview and allow faster modifications without leaving the Chartbuilder
Automatically generate chart titles, and you can specify custom titles without editing
Generate a scatter plot with a regression line using new templates
Easily specify custom colors and apply templates right in the Chartbuilder
Copy charts as either pictures or Microsoft Object Graphic format
With SPSS Statistics V25, there are enhancements to the SPSS Statistics data and syntax editor. New syntax editor improvements can benefit some power users by helping to make writing syntax faster with greater flexibility for editing, cleaning, and managing large syntax files. Some of the new features are:
New shortcut keys to speed writing and editing syntax
Column mode editing
One-click trim of leading, trailing, and empty spaces
Large file mode
Additional productivity enhancements include:
Data Editor copy/paste enhancements
Added ability to copy data with variable names or labels
Added ability to paste data with variable labels
Accessibility advancements for the visually impaired
Updated Merge user interface
New simplified Add Variables dialogue
Simplified toolbars
Removed toolbar buttons by default that were infrequently used
Added buttons to go to active syntax window, go to active output viewer window
Added toolbar button to customize the toolbar
Incremental Safenet Sentinel License Manager improvements
With new ground-breaking features in SPSS Amos V25, you are now able to:
Perform D-separation analyses.
Read R data files (*.rds and *.RData files) if R is installed.
Execute Amos from within an R program. (This is similar to the ability to execute Amos from the IBM SPSS Statistics main menu).
Click File > File Explorer to show the current path diagram (*.amw) file in Windows File Explorer. If you haven't saved your path diagram yet, File Explorer shows the default folder for saving path diagrams.
Get your own copy of the example files. A copy of the example files from the user's guide is placed in each user's Application Data folder. For a user namedjim using Amos 25, this folder is located at C:\Users\jim\AppData\Local\AmosDevelopment\Amos\25\Examples.
Locate important Amos folders through environment variables.
View list of variables displayed by clicking View > Variables in Dataset, which shows additional information about each variable and allows sorting by variable name and variable label.
View SPSS Statistics data files (.sav files) in the SPSS Amos View Data window even if SPSS Statistics is not installed.
IBM® SPSS® Statistics GradPack Editions includes
Statistics Premium GradPack |
Statistics Standard GradPack |
Statistics Base GradPack |
Statistics Base |
x |
x |
x |
Advanced Statistics |
x |
x |
Regression |
x |
Custom Tables |
x |
Data Preparation |
x |
Missing Values |
x |
Forecasting |
x |
Decision Trees |
x |
Direct Marketing |
x |
Complex Samples |
x |
Conjoint |
x |
Neural Networks |
x |
Bootstrapping |
x |
Categories and Exact Tests |
x |